The Top Model Europe competition is organized by SPRL Europe Events, registered with the Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises under number BE0687471563 / Each National Committee, throughout the world, organizes selection castings on its territory, in compliance with the Top Model Europe methodological model.

Photos, logos, texts and videos on the website may not be used without authorization. Any use not authorized in writing will be considered as abusive and will engage the responsibility of the user as well as legal proceedings with request for compensation.

Article 1 - Participation and duration

Participation in the competition implies full and unreserved acceptance of these rules.

The TOP MODEL EUROPE competition is open to anyone aged 15 or over. If the candidate has not reached the age of 16, parental consent is required.

The competition begins on selection day and ends when the names of the grand prize winners are announced.

The organizer reserves the right to shorten, modify, extend, suspend, interrupt or cancel the competition or any of its stages, without prior notice, without incurring any liability and without entitling the candidate to any compensation whatsoever.

Article 2 - Remuneration

At no time is the candidate's participation in the competition remunerated.

Article 3 - Competition stages

The TOP MODEL EUROPE competition comprises 4 stages:

1. Online registration :

Online registration on the website is compulsory to enter the competition.

2. Selection - Jury and public vote

Candidates are evaluated by the jury. Depending on the organizer's choice, evaluation is based on one of the following options: presentation at a casting, presentation at a video conference, presentation via a video recorded by the candidate. The jury's vote is supplemented by a public vote via the competition website and/or social networks. Voting is free, and each visitor can vote once for each model during a period determined by the organizer.

3. The Semi-Final:

The semi-final takes place with or without an audience. At the end of this stage, the Jury selects the models that will go forward to the Grand Final.

4. The Grand Finale :

The finalists take part in the grand final fashion show with international fashion designers in front of the public and the jury. The overall winners of the competition will be announced at this show, or at a later public or private event organized by the Organizer.

Article 4 - Qualification and Disqualification

At each stage of the competition, candidates will be evaluated by the competition organizing committee and/or a jury, who will decide which candidates will be selected to take part in the next stage. The Organizing Committee and/or Jury will have full authority to decide on the qualification and disqualification of candidates, and its decisions need never be justified. The Organizing Committee may also rule on the qualification or elimination of a candidate at any time during the competition.

Article 5 - Prizes for the Winners

Prizes awarded to TOP MODEL EUROPE winners are designed to help them launch their careers as models in the world of fashion and/or advertising. Rewards include the creation of a photo book, participation in a Fashion Week in Europe and/or abroad, meetings with agencies or partners in the industry, training or makeovers. These prizes are personal, non-exchangeable for cash or other benefits, and cannot be transferred or sold to third parties.

In addition, the winners will receive a 1-year management contract with a mother agency, whose mission is to place them with clients and partner agencies in Paris, Milan and other major cities. This contract is designed to develop their careers, but winners are free to refuse it, in which case they will not benefit from development tools and international promotion.

Article 6 - Exclusive participation in the competition

Candidates may not register with a model agency without the Organizer's written consent, until the date of the grand finale. The Organizer will investigate the seriousness of the agency before answering positively or negatively to the candidate's request.

Candidates who reach the international final will not be eligible to enter any other beauty, fashion, model, miss or mister contests.

Finalists in the competition will receive a 6-month management contract with a mother agency, whose role is to facilitate the placement of models with its clients and partner agencies in Paris, Milan and other international capitals. The aim of this contract is to develop their careers. Finalists are free to decline the contract, but if they do, they will not benefit from promotion with international agencies.

Article 7 - Participation fees

Candidates are not required to seek sponsors during the competition.

To take part in the competition, candidates must pay a registration fee of €39 for European Union countries, £35 for the United Kingdom and CHF50 for Switzerland. Payment must be made online, by credit card, on the competition website.

In order to meet the many costs incurred by the Organizer in organizing the competition, each candidate who successfully passes the selection test undertakes to pay a membership fee (contribution to the costs of organizing Top Model Europe events). This is set at €65 and will be required for the semi-final, stage 3a/official photo and/or 3b/training.

The membership fee enables the organizer to offer the candidate free of charge:

  • Discounts at partner photographers.
  • Publication of a selection photo on the TopModelEurope website
  • Free public voting on the TopModelEurope website
  • Participation in the semi-final for selected models.
  • The official photo for the semi-finalists
  • Training for semi-finalists
  • Finalists' participation in the Grand Finale designer shows
  • Meeting the designers
  • Hair and make-up for finalists
  • All photos of the grand finale fashion shows
  • Video of the grand finale
  • Prizes for the winners
The list is exemplary, non-exhaustive and given for information purposes only.
Registration fees and the TME membership fee are not exchangeable or refundable under any circumstances.

Article 8 - Accidents and damage

Under no circumstances will the Organizer be held responsible for any accidents, costs, direct or indirect damage that may occur during or as a result of participation in this Contest. Likewise, the Organizer of the present Contest will not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damage that may occur during the selection, semi-final and final days and evenings, or during any preparatory or related activities on these days and evenings. Should the Contest be postponed, cancelled or interrupted in whole or in part for reasons beyond the Organizer's control, the Organizer will not assume any liability whatsoever.

Article 9 - Image and broadcasting rights

The Candidate proposes his participation in the TOP MODEL EUROPE contest. The Candidate expressly accepts that his/her image and/or voice may be captured, recorded and filmed during the TOP MODEL EUROPE competition, from the day of the selections until the announcement of the winners. The Candidate also declares that he/she is aware that his/her image and/or voice may be recorded at any time and in any context during the competition period. The Candidate declares that he/she has been fully informed in advance of the fact that all sound and/or visual recordings made may give rise to one or more public broadcasts. Consequently, the Candidate grants the Organizer the right to record and fix his/her voice and/or image, to reproduce, modify, adapt and distribute the recordings to the public, without limitation as to number, in whole or in part, on all media known or unknown to date and in all formats, and in particular the right to digitize or have digitized, reproduce or have reproduced, the right to put into circulation, distribute and communicate to the public, the right to sell or have sold, the right to rent and lend, as well as the right to represent and communicate to the public, by all processes, and in particular by broadcasting by networks and/or other telecommunication systems (such as terrestrial or digital channels, Internet, cable, satellite, 3G) the right to exploit by all means known or unknown, and for all secondary and derived rights, in particular on all paper media (such as press, posters, magazines, books), audio and video media (such as video K7, DVD, CD, CD Rom), and this, totally free of charge. The Candidate grants the Organizer the right to reproduce, during the exploitation of the recordings, his/her first name and any other information concerning him/her that he/she has decided to communicate voluntarily. The transfer of rights is granted for worldwide use and for a period of 5 years (five years) from the date of participation in the selections. The present transfer is tacitly renewable for an equivalent period, unless terminated by registered letter giving 6 months' notice before the end of each renewal period.

Article 10 - Warranties

The Candidate's participation in the TOP MODEL EUROPE competition implies unreserved acceptance of the present rules. The Candidate freely and explicitly accepts that his/her image and/or voice may be captured, recorded and filmed at any time and in any context during the competition period. In consideration of this authorization, the Candidate waives all recourse against the Organizer following one or more broadcasts of the audio and/or visual recordings made to the public. The Candidate makes no reservation or restriction on the transfer of image and broadcasting rights mentioned in Article 9 of these rules. The fact that a particular agreement derogates from one of the provisions of these rules does not exclude the application of the other clauses. The fact that the Organizer does not use the assigned rights may not be interpreted as a waiver on its part of its right to do so.

Article 11 - Submission of the Regulations

The present rules, updated and published on 01/08/23, have been submitted to a standardized electronic signature and time-stamping certified by a legal service. Reproduction, except for personal use, is prohibited.

Article 12 - Disputes

All complaints must be sent by registered post to the registered office of SPRL Europe Events. The complaint must clearly state the identity and contact details of the complainant, the reason for the complaint and the details of the complaint. The document must be original and signed by the complainant or his/her legal guardian if the latter is a minor. Europe Events will respond to all complaints received within 30 working days of receipt.

The Parties shall endeavor to settle amicably any dispute that may arise in connection with these rules. In the event of persistent disagreement, only the courts of Brussels will have jurisdiction and Belgian law will be applicable, including any summary proceedings. The parties agree that the language used in such proceedings shall be French.
